Botanical name: Clausena lansium
Crown and root system: This is an evergreen tree with a small-medium crown and a moderate root system.
Growing regions: Areas that are free of frost.
Fruit: This is a particularly fertile tree. In the summer months it yields fruit that a juicy, roughly the size of a large grape, with a pleasant tropical aroma and a sweet-sour flavor. Its peel is yellow and thin, and is easily peeled.
Planting in a container: May be planted in a container.
Recommended planting season: All year round, except for cold months.
Varieties sold in our nursery:
Kwang tung: This is a compound variety characterized by a high, stable yield and fruit that are very juicy with a noticeable fragrance.
Good to know:
Research has found that the wampee fruit has compounds that can aid in relieving the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.