
Botanical name:  Citrus paradisi x citrus maxima

Crown and root system:  This is an evergreen citrus tree with an intermediate crown.  It has a lateral, non-invasive root system.

Growing regions:  Most parts of the country, except for those areas with extreme temperatures – either hot or cold.

Ripening date:  Throughout the winter months; the exact date depends on the variety.

Planting in a container:  Not recommended.

Recommended planting season:  All year round.

Special care:  We recommend using Confidor as a preventive treatment in early spring, according to manufacturer’s instructions (the compound can be bought in any agricultural supply store).

 Varieties sold in our nursery:
White pomelit: The shape is similar to that of a grapefruit.
Red pomelit:  

Good to know:
The pomelit is the “love child” of the pomelo and grapefruit, or in less romantic terms – a California invention.  In the United States they are called “oroblanco” or Sweetie.

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